Friday 4 June 2010

BBQ Cookies

Following on the idea from the previous thread i went fulll steam, or should i say bbq, ahead.

first mixing in 200g of non self-raising flour, 150g of sugar and a teaspoon of baking powder then mixing by hand with butter. i achieved a breadcrumb like substance. In a separate containment unit, I did maliciously beat a tablespoon of milk with one egg then proceeded to add 100g of chocolate. then miking both concocotions together to create the batter for my cookies.

Following this i then put dollops onto a sheet of aluminated foil and then placed on the BBQ to cook away. halfway through i put another sheet of foil on top sealed the cookies so to then flip then ensuring even cooking.

after 20-30 mins of cooking, the cookies were ready to be opened and had turned out B-E-A-utiful. Then were then enjoyed by friends i had invited over and critics from other baking blogs, who i think now will have a more open mind when it comes to different forms of baking.

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